niedziela, 26 czerwca 2022

PREMIERA / PREMIERE : Jan LF Strach "Higiena Snu E.P."


Epickie casio. Hipnotyczne loopy gitarowe. Sample z encyklopedii na CD. Zmysłowy falset, hipnotyczne melodii pejzaże. postvaporwave z półpiętra, ledwo przymkniesz oczy i brzęczy wtyczka i przypomina, że to nie sen, to nowa minipłytka JLFS.

Dla kupujących - bonusowe grafiki.

Epic Casio. Hypnotic guitar loops. Samples from electronic encyclopedias. Sensual falsetto, hypnotic melodic passages, postvaporwave from the attic, as soon as your eyes start closing a half-connected plug buzzes to remind you that this is not a dream, this is the new JLFS mini-album.

If you decide to buy - there are bonus graphics in the file (alternative album art ideas)

czwartek, 31 marca 2022

PREMIERA / PREMIERE : "UPL for UKR: UPL for UKR vol​.​4 - songs from Underpolen Netlabel releases 063​-​083"

A preface: Starting March 2022, the series "Underpopular Hits" have been renamed to "UPL for UKR". The base price remains zero, but if you choose to pay anything, all the earnings will go to charities helping Ukraine in the aftermath of Russian aggression.

Proof of transfer from Underpolen to charity will be available upon request.

Hello and welcome to the second edition of the second volume of the compilation "Underpopular Hits" released by Underpolen Netlabel!

If you have not heard about it before, the idea is simple. Every time another 20 albums get released on Underpolen, the founder/ godfather/ the allmighty ceo /epitome of beauty /person writing this Jan Strach handpicks one song from each of the albums and compiles all of them into a compilation just like this one.

Please dive right in and make yourself acquainted with the free spirit, DIY philosophy, homemade charm and the worship of creativity that is the Underpolen.

Check out the pages and music of all participants of this issue!

środa, 23 lutego 2022

PREMIERA / PREMIERE Rodzinne Ogrody Działkowe - "Rodzinne Ogrody Działkowe"


Spłowiałe drewno, rdzewiejący płot, kałuża pod kranikiem, świeże owoce, stare komiksy, spiekota, cień śliwy.

Zainspirowany nieumierającą instytucją Ogródków Działkowych, Jan Strach prezentuje hipnotyczne pejzaże zapętlonych melodii instrumentalnych połączonych z zapętlonymi samplami rozmów i nagrań terenowych.

Teledysk do "Watering Can":

Dingy wood, rusty fence, a puddle under the faucet, fresh fruit, old comic books, heat, shade of a plum tree.

Inspired by the ever-present insitution of allotment gardens, Jan Strach presents hypnotic passages of looped instrumental melodies, melded with looped samples of conversations and field recordings.

Music video for "Watering Can":

released February 22, 2022

Jan LF Strach - music, field recordings, mixing